Some families know a great deal about their roots; others know very little. This site is an attempt to record
what I've learned about our family history.
Henry David Nettles was born on January 06, 1843 in Boulogne, Florida/Nassau County. He was an early pioneer
to the area and helped start the beginning of:"THE NETTLES IN NASSAU COUNTY FLORIDA".
In these modern times, families tend to be scattered all over the country, if not the world. One of the
goals of this web site is to help our family stay connected even though we live far apart.
I am a fifth generation Nettles descending from Nassau County, Florida. On December 25, 2000, my father
passed away suddenly. I realized after his death, that I didn't even know the name of his grandfather. I had very little information
about the "Nettles Family" and where I came from. Not Knowing, sent me on a quest to find out all I could. With
both my father, grandfather, and grandmother on the Nettles side gone, I had limited family resources for information.
Most of the information I gathered was obtained from talking to living relatives and from researching public records.
In the course of doing this research, I've discovered that I have many more relatives than I ever thought possible!
is a work in progress, so please contact me if you have any information that might help round out the picture.
Henry David Nettles 1843-1919 |

Company B First Florida Regiment Cavalry |
I want to say "Thank You" to those of you that helped me make this Web-site possible. You took out
time to offer information, loaned out photographs and told some family stories...
A Special thanks To: Teresa Griffis, Bob Nettles, Susan Nettles, Linda Nettles Cooler, Betty Jo Nettles,
Roy Nettles, Freida Nettles & Raymond Mizell.
Without you, I couldn't have done it! Thanks!!!