Henry David Nettles II, better know as "H.D." to his family & friends was born on: February 16, 1870
in Nassau County Florida and died: December 17, 1915 in Nassau County Florida. He was only 45 years old. He is buried at:
Pigeon Creek Cemetery in Boulogne, Florida in Nassau County.
Juleyan Amanda Knight, better known as "Aunt Mandy" was born on: October 11, 1873 in Nassau County Florida
and died: December 31, 1944 in Nassau County Florida at the ripe old age of 71. She is buried beside her husband H.D. Nettles
at: Pigeon Creek Cemetery in Boulogne, Florida in Nassau County
H.D. Nettles & Mandy Knight had the following children:
1.) John Darling Nettles- born: Sept. 5, 1896 in Nassau County Florida died June 10, 1932.
He was only 36 years old. He is buried at Mill Creek Cemetery in Callahan, Florida
2.) Emily Amanda Nettles- born: May 20, 1899 in Nassau County Florida died Sept. 6, 1939
in Nassau County Florida. She is buried at Piegon Creek Cemetery in Boulogne, Florida in Nassau County. Married To: Joseph S. Keene.
3.) Elbert S. Nettles - born: Feb. 27, 1902 in Nassau County Florida died March 1979.
He is buried at Piegon Creek Cemetery In Boulogne, Florida in Nassau County. Married To: Lauina
E. Jacobs.
4.) Mettie R. Nettles - born: March 27, 1905 and died in Infancy. She is buried at Piegon Creek Cemetery
in Boulogne, Florida in Nassau County.
5.) Sallie E. Nettles - born: January 21, 1907 and died in Infancy. She is buried at Piegon Creek
Cemetery in Boulogne, Florida in Nassau County.
6.) Ephraim Thomas Nettles - born: June 8, 1909 in Nassau County Florida
and died July 4, 1966. Married To: Mary Elizabeth Barco.
7.) David Isaiah Nettles - born: Sept. 21, 1912 in Nassau County Florida and died June 4, 1968. Married To: Sally Harper.
Aunt Mandy Nettles was a Mid-Wife and traveled all over delivering babies. She delivered most of the children
in her area and even delivered most of her own grand children. Sometimes she stayed gone for weeks at a time. She made herself
available to the ones that needed her, sometimes without much pay. If there was a sick baby somewhere, she would go and help
take care of it.