was only 15 when she married 20 year old
December 24, 1899.
I have many fond memories of my grand-
mother and she was so
pretty to me. We
called her "GRANDMA" and
I loved it
when she came to stay with us for a week
or two. She lived in the city and we lived
in the country.
Everytime the peanuts and grapes were
in season, she loved to
come for a visit so
she could get some. She also liked to visit
when it was cane-grinding and syrup -
making time.
I remember one time when GRANDMA
came for a visit, she
showed me how to hem
a handkerchief. She showed me
how to make
real tiny stitches and this was all done by hand.
It was very hard for me to do, but I still did it.
She told me I did a good job. I still enjoy sewing,
but now I use a sewing machine most of the time.
I really loved my GRANDMA, and sometimes I
still miss her.